We, at The Cottage, donate a limited number of one-night stays to non-profits, organizations, and fundraising events for charities each year.
While we’d love to say yes to every request, due to the number of requests we receive (typically 3-5 a week!), and the fact that we only have 3 treehouses and a cabin, we obviously can’t accommodate all the requests we receive. As a result, we focus our efforts on organizations that are successfully helping underprivileged youth and all peoples of disadvantage. If you are fundraising for an athletic team, or basic operating costs for your organization, while we very much appreciate what you do, we will unfortunately not be able to assist since that doesn’t fall into our area of emphasis.
To request a donation, please submit the form below at least 4 weeks prior to your event (or when the donation is needed). Be sure to include a clear description of your organization and the event or need, including how your event supports our emphasis. Please also include a website address, and a Federal Tax Exemption Number. Also, if you plan to recognize The Cottage as a sponsor to your event, please include the number of people this promotion would reach. Although it doesn’t affect your being selected or not, it does help us know our marketing areas.
Thank you.